Contact Boswick!

It's always fun when we host you. I'm the one that should be thanking you
Angela Luis - Youth Services Librarian - Portola Valley Library

Wonderful! You really captivated the children!
Dana Carvey of Saturday Night Live - Wayne’s World

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Library Shows

Let’s Take a trip to “Boswick’s Reading Circus”.

The show starts with an oversized book that Boswick looks into to find a circus, then takes the children on the funniest ride of the their young lives. The children will perform all the things they might find in the circus. They act out anything from a ring master (a giant hat slips over the littles ones entire head), wild animals (the children growl, show their ferocious teeth then  try to eat Boswick chasing him across the stage), to acrobats (The children roll on their sides like logs and stand up to cheers) and jugglers (juggling is easy when you use floating scarves). Of course, there is one silly clown leading the way!

Boswick’s Reading Circus” is fun, funny, fast-paced, and filled with interaction. I use between 10 and 30 children to come up with me and participate as helpers. I chose the theme of circus because I got to live my dream of going to Clown College and joining the Ringling Brothers Circus as a touring clown.

Boswick’s Reading Circus” encourages imagination, creativity and personal expression.

About Boswick

* Former Ringling Brothers Clown

*Performed over 8000 live shows

Featured in the movies:

Milk with Sean Penn,

Dr. Doolittle with Eddie Murphy

Star of the TV show

“Boswick’s Cartoon Corner” - every Saturday morning, channel 59 - Chicago/Peoria

*39,000 Tik Tok Followers 

What’s special about Boswick’s Library Show?

I believe that a clown should be funny (and I mean really funny.)

You’ll be amazed at how much the children laugh. For most children this is their first exposure to live entertainment, it’s my privilege to create a memory that will last their whole lives.

It humbles me how many adults I run into now that saw me when they were young and remember how much they loved me.

But most all, the children come away from my library show knowing that READING IS FUN!

A Personal Note from Boswick

I remember so clearly my mother taking me to the library once a week to check out books, my first book was Curious George. This memory is incredibly special to me and I love sharing my love of the library with children and families.

I always take time after the show to take pictures with the children, answer their questions and guide them to an age appropriate book about magicians, jugglers and circus.

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